Sunday, November 6, 2011

Learn American English Online

Several of my students (lookin' at you, Fabiola and Alaeddin!) have mentioned using the website Learn American English Online, so I thought I would check it out. 

Home page of Learn American English Online
I'm very impressed. This website was created by one teacher, "Teacher Paul" Lawrence in 2003 and is still updated daily. It's a free website, open to all learners from beginners to advanced, and although there are a few ads from sponsors, they do not clutter up (take too much space on) the page. If you click on one by accident, just hit your back button to go back to the LAEO website.

If you want to learn English grammar, this is a great place to do it! Lessons are divided into seven different levels, starting with Blue (beginners) and ending with Violet (most advanced). The subject matter proceeds in an orderly, logical way. The very first lesson covers the verb "to be." There are audio bars to click on so you can hear Teacher Paul's pronunciation, helpful verb charts with pictures, a video of Teacher Paul teaching the lesson and, finally, a quiz to test you on what you've learned. You can't complete the quizzes online; you have to write your answers, but you can get the correct answers at the website.

First lesson in the Blue (beginner's) Level

In addition to learning lots of English grammar, you can also work on your pronunciation, "talk" (in text only) to other students in a chatroom, explore American slang, learn the "word of the day" at Teacher Paul's blog, review lots of vocabulary words in categories such as "Clothing" and "Animals," watch a video about the city of Chicago, or practice your reading in the "Reading Room" (there's one for each level).

I think what I liked the very best about Learn American English Online is this helpful page on how to learn English. Teacher Paul gives you lots of suggestions about how to study. I agree with Teacher Paul that you can't learn English by just going to a website (even one as good as this!) or just going to an English class. The more different ways you try to practice your English, the more you'll learn and the more quickly you'll progress!

Here are Teacher Paul's suggestions for learning English.

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