Saturday, October 29, 2011

Daily Deal Websites

In our class, we discussed daily deal websites like Groupon and Living Social. Some students had used them and some had not. A recent study showed that "while 37 percent of Americans are members of a daily deal site, 56 percent of Americans do not subscribe to any such sites and 42 percent 'do not like anything' about the sites." Also, the study found that most of the people who use these websites are younger and more affluent (have more money).

One important thing to remember before you buy a "deal" is to check the "fine print." The fine print means certain limits and conditions about your deal. For example, I bought a $50 gift certificate at a Lexington restaurant for $25. It sounded like a good deal! But when I looked at the "fine print" on my gift certificate, I found out that there were many weekends in April, May, and June when I couldn't use it. So check carefully to make sure that your deal is really a good deal!

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